Tuesday, February 7, 2012

An Update.

Scarlett had her dentist appointment yesterday.  It was so draining.  Technically it was her two-year-old check-up, so they started out with the counting, cleaning, and painting of the teeth...and then the discussion.  Dr. Shenkin said we had two choices:
  • Wait until she's three and then sedate and extract at the dentist office
  • Wait a few more months, sedate, extract/cap the teeth at the hospital
The reason it would only be extraction at age three is because there will not be enough of her teeth left if we wait a year.  Scary.  Either way, these teeth will start to fall out in three years, so that is a relief.  This. Is. Not. Forever.  Phew!!!  Tyler and I are still discussing exactly what we'll do, but we have tentatively set up surgery for 5/18/12...

Another update...
I love Ali Wentworth!!!  
She rocks!

And she has a new book!!!  Woohoo!!!!  I am dy-ing to read it!!!!

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