Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying So What if...

  • I want to buy everything for Scarlett.  I know that it's normal for parents to want to do this, but I'm not sure who gets more excited over new toys:  Scarlett or me!
  • This morning, my biggest dilemma was whether to go grocery shopping or to the bounce house for Scarlett first.  Sometimes the stresses of being a SAHM can be really trying.  ;)
  • My hair doesn't need to be washed until I use dry shampoo for at least one day.  Here is my favorite kind:  cheap & awesome! (It's under $5 at Walmart!)
  • My jeep has a bumper sticker of Flo on the back window.  I put it on to support Tyler, a Progressive employee, but he keeps giving me a guilt trip every time I go to take her off.  
  • These were my groceries today.  I'm so ashamed.  NEVER go grocery shopping hungry and 8 months pregnant.  It won't end well.
I have to say that I was (clearly!) in a baking mood, but that chocolate milk?  ALL MINE!  
  • See above photo:  I am a sucker.  Scarjo loves those juice bottles; this Tinkerbell one is the third one that we've purchased between Tyler, Mary, and me.  She refuses to drink the juice, she just loves the characters.  I swear, NO MORE!  
  • I'm just realizing that I'm going to have to actually deliver another baby.  And I'm a little bit nervous!  The first time, I was blissfully unaware, but this time around, I know what's up...and it's not pretty.


  1. this made me laugh so hard. "I might actually have to deliver this baby..." some days I think that too, I think "crap, soon I can't be lazy and pregnant! I'm going ot have to take care of two kids!" don't worry about your grocery store guilt purchases, last weekend I bought some things my husband would normally give me the evil eye over

    1. Can you believe that we'll have TWO to take care of soon?! I have been trying to mentally prepare myself, but I feel like I have no idea what it's going to be like...until I actually get there!

      And my baking kick?! It's out of control...lots of baked goods here for any visitors!
