This week, I'm saying so what that...
- The most virtuous I've felt for a while was today! Scarlett and I went to the local ice cream shop and we walked away with just a slushy for her -- yesssss!
- Intervention letters are SO my mom's thing, but the need for clarifying emotions through letters may have been passed on to me; I just sent my first one! ;)
- I will ABSOLUTELY be paying another thirty bucks just to take a better license picture.
- I'm kind of loving keeping baby 2's name a secret! I can NOT keep a secret, ever, but this is proving to be fun!!!
- No matter how many times I refer to our cat, Rex, as his nickname, "Frexy," Scarlett continues to call him "Sex." All. the. time. It makes the neighbors do a double take!
- I watch Big Brother. Eek! I love to watch Big Brother so much that I don't fall asleep when Scarlett goes to bed. I lose sleep to get my Big Brother fix.
- I'm feeling so sad about baby 2 coming as soon as she is...I cannot imagine life with more than just Scarlett and me...
- Leaving the house today is out. of. the. question. I have way too many things to do here!!!
- "'Roni and cheese" is Scarjo's favorite meal. At least I buy the veggie kind, right?!
- Scarlett was dreaming about Elmo. In my defense, she was sick that day and had watched back-to-back Sesame Street.
- I have had a cup of coffee just about everyday since the 2nd trimester of this pregnancy. It's a smaller cup than I would ever normally drink and I'm super-aware of the amount of caffeine I'm having, but it still feels wicked scandalous!
- Speaking of's a bit silly, but I'm counting down the days until Starbucks' pumpkin flavor comes out. (September 4!!! Woohoo!)