Monday, August 22, 2011

New Roomies!

My sister, Mary, and niece, Louisa, have been living with us for a few months now. Life has certainly changed lots, so here are a few things I've learned/discovered/been introduced to since May:
  • When you say, "girlfriend," it's like an exclamation mark to your comment. Here's an example: "Thanks for sweeping, girlfriend!" See! Way more fun. 
  • Spend the extra moolah on makeup, especially from Sephora because they send you lots of fun, free goodies! 
  • I've been introduced this blog. It makes me so sad, but so thankful for my little miss Scarlett. 
  • Um, Running off the Reese's and Suri's Burn Book kind of rock my world. Hilarious & fun stuff! 
  • Big Brother is cheeesy and a waste of my free (nap) time. Buuut I cannot resist! I love me some Jeff&Jordan! 
  • I make her wait for me to finish getting ready before we get out of the house 25% of the time (so she says), so I hurried today and left the house with a scandalous dress to wear to a family dessert soiree. I have learned NOT to trust Mary's judgement when we're running late. Ever.
  • No matter the project, she will be sick of working on it before it's finished.  We call it Project ADD! To be fair, she's either entertaining the babies or starting our new house renovation adventure...!
  • She's a lot nicer after a glass of wine. But really, who isn't?! 
  • 'Sposies are fun!  They're way less bulky than my cloth diapers, so it's fun to see Scarlett wearing 'sposies once in a while.
  • Counting calories is annoying & lame, most days.
  • Starbucks iced coffees really are more special if you don't have them every day. I look forward to our Starbucks Sundays all week...!
  • Having a roomy there 24/7 is entertainment for Scarjo always.  Works for me!
  • Mary has better clothes than me and they're most awesome when stolen.
  • Her makeup is also more fun and the best to steal! 
  • I always have a partner when I feel like shopping...!

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