Monday, February 21, 2011

More Babies?

With Scarlett getting older, I've been thinking about how it would feel to be pregnant again.  What would my life be like with another baby around?  Would I ever have free time?  How would another baby effect Scarlett and the attention that I give her? 

I know three friends who are pregnant right now and they all have little ones around Scarlett's age.  Sometimes I think they're crazy, but then other times, I could picture myself doing the same.

Tyler and I have been talking about having another baby.  I'm still nursing Scarlett now, though, and I want to have a little time to get back in shape and feel like it's my body, not Scarlett's nap time snack machine!  Also, Scarlett and I are rocking it out!  We can go out & about with relatively little planning and she can stay awake and happy for longer and longer periods of time.  At home, we play, clean, and read lots, but I also can sneak in a few moments of "me" time to refuel! 

We're not going to rock the boat just yet...only one baby in diapers at a time in this household!  And we have Alyssa with us lots & lots, so it's almost like having two babies already!  Maybe in a year we'll be ready to add to the Smith family...

PS--I like to read Meghann's blog and her son, Carter, is super-cute!  Though this post made me wonder about the's a little scary to think about and makes me want to tell Scarlett and Alyssa, "Colby or Thomas."  ;)

Scarlett, 2 months old!

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! But, wait until Fall 2011, please. (Orrr even later so I can be living in ME when you're due!)

    I need some baby Frankie/Marilyn in my life!
