Thursday, December 23, 2010

So much to do...!

Christmas is fast approaching and there is still looots to do!  Lots of baking & wrapping, so I'm pretty's the laundry and sweeping that makes me procrastinate and facebook! ;) 

I even still have a little gift shopping to do, but they're for guys who I don't know really well.  Not. fun.  And Scarlett would much rather eat banana whoopie pies and harass Mr. Rex, our kitty, than go out and about to more stores!


As much as she's not a fan, she still makes shopping look cute!

Merry Christmas to you all...all four FIVE of you!  Woohoo!


  1. 'speaking of shopping, I am off to FINISH right now.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Woohoo Miss Popularity! I'm impressed by your ambition, fo' sho'!

    Also, your Miss Scarlett looks so adorable with those bows! Love it!

  3. Eeek...harass. NOT harrass!!! Bad, bad, bad!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!!

  4. That Scarlett of yours is such a cutie! I'm super happy to be your number 5 follower :) I love your blog and I just nominated you for stylish blogger over on my blog.

    Hope your Christmas was wonderful!

  5. Yay, thank you!!!!! :) Happy New Year!
