Thursday, October 28, 2010


Scarlett is so silly, she is the one who plays peek-a-boo with me!  Hilarious!

Look at those teeth!

Scarlett is using our box from the Halloween cake that we made to play peek-a-boo!  The cake was delicious and festive, but wrecked havoc on my calorie counting all week! 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Scarlett, pre-fall:

Shoot!  I was hoping for a video edit on blogger!  Sorry for the sideways video!  (& if you know how to fix it, please fill me in!)

Also, soap in the water was probably not my smartest idea yet!

Happy Saturday!  We are off to find lunch and put the groceries away...!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog Slacker...

That's exactly what I've been lately!  I write tons & tons of blogs in my head, but haven't had the time to just sit and write, mainly because Scarlett has been staying up later at night.  Ahhh...but not tonight!  Scarjo is asleep and hopefully she stays that way!  I love her so much, but I haven't had my own time in more than a week!  It's time!

It's the 21st...10 more days until Halloween!  I.  am.  PSYCHED!   Scarlett's 1st Halloween costume is hanging in the closet, ready to be worn around the neighborhood with her older cousin!  I will be taking insane amounts of pictures, so you can all feel like you're here...!

After Halloween, I'm going to be in all out Christmas mode.  Woohoo!  I am looking forward to Thanksgiving.  First at David's, then off to The Senator we'll go!  The great part of Thanksgiving will be sharing our traditions with the next generation of babies and that they'll look so cute in their fancy dresses!  We're doing Christmas pictures soon too!  The holiday season is so magical anyway, I think with babies it just makes everything even more special!  I cannot wait!  :)

Something happened today.  Here's how it all started...Scarlett's nails were filthy, so to fix this, I decided to pour warm, soapy water on her high chair tray.  I thought, "she's learning!" when she splashed the water all over and squealed with delight.  There was water everywhere, but she was having a ball!  When the water became cool, I rinsed her tray, dried Scarlett off & pulled down her sleeves, and dried the floor.  Scarlett was getting fussy and ready for her morning nap, so I picked her up out of her high chair, grabbed my camera (that I had been using to record Scarjo in the water!), and my Great One.  (for all of those non--DD coffee drinkers, it's the 24oz cup of deliciousness!)  We rounded the corner and BAM!  My foot hit the water that I had apparently missed while had cleaned and I slipped, dropped my coffee and camera, and I fell with Scarlett on the floor.  She hit her head and was covered in luke-warm coffee.  OH:(  I am still feeling horrible.  Scarlett is okay and I have checked her over 100x, but it still freaked me out.  It makes me so sad that I am the one who made Scarlett cry. 

Now onto to happier things!  Molly totally saved me today--she picked up Scarlett and me and we went tanning and grocery shopping.  It made me feel tons better picking out fun new foods for Scarlett to try!  Tonight we all went to Cancun--Waterville's best Mexican restaurant!  Yummy!  There's not a lot that a quesadilla fajitia and fresh salsa can't fix!

All in all it was an okay day, but I'm glad that it's over!  Now I'm just excited to pick out pretty, festive holiday dresses for pictures...!  (Hanna Andersson is having a great sale through Sunday, fyi!) 

And tomorrow is Friday!  Yay!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Saturday! 

(Scarlett and I are just hanging out in our pj's!)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

True Story.

I  live in Maine and Scarlett and I had been cooped up in our house for the past 24 hours due to the rainy weather.  Naturally, I was going to take advantage of our afternoon without rain (finally!) and go for a walk today!  Scarlett and I both needed fresh air and new scenery!

Well, Scarlett was up from her nap, fed, changed, and playing in her room while I gave her a fashion show my from my newly-fitting clothes (the in-laws are coming & I needed to pick out my outfits for the weekend--it cuts back on my getting ready time!)  Anyway, it was kind of a party with Katy Perry in the background, and I found an Adidas jacket that Mary had given me.  It matched perfectly with my black spandex pants!  So I bundled Scarjo up in a fleece snowsuit and knit hat--nice & toasty--and we were ready!  (I feel like I'm defending myself, but here's what happened while we were on the loop):

{Ok, true confessions, it had started to sprinkle *rain* while we were having our closet party upstairs.  I didn't realize this until I stepped outside all ready to go.}  Now if you're from Maine, you know that you just have to wait five minutes and the weather will change.  That's what I was hoping would happen because I was going stir-crazy and needed the walk!  Scarlett was completely covered and was up against my body in her Ergo baby carrier with the hood over her--I made the executive decision that a little fresh air would be good for her and she would be warm enough.

As we walked up Mayflower Hill, a lady in a van stopped and asked if I needed a ride.  What I wanted to say was, "Um, I look like a track star in my Adidas jacket and matching black spandex!  Do you think was by accident?!  Crazy lady--I'm out for a walk!"  But instead just said, "no, thanks!" and we kept on going.  By the time I was a mile into the walk, the rain had stopped and it was about 40 degrees outside.  Nice and crisp!  Scarlett and I made our way through Colby and were walking past Thayer hospital (about 2 miles into the 3 mile walk) when a creepy, old man in a junker car started honking as he came up behind me.  Before I had turned around, I thought it was Tyler.  He sometimes stalks me on my walks if I'm not home during the day!  I heard, "toot...toot...toot" and looked to see what Tyler was doing when I saw an unfamiliar vehicle.  There was the creepy, old man was saying something, but he hadn't rolled down his window, so I couldn't hear.  He was legit SCARY looking, so I backed away and waved him on saying that he better leave me alone I was alright.  I thought he was offering us a ride due to the weather.  Then he rolled down his window.  I took my ear piece out (I wear it in only one ear, so I can hear what's going on around me) and said again, "I'm fine, but thank you!" and waved him on.  He said, "No, what about your baby??  *indistinctive chatter* I'm giving you a hard time about that.  What about your baby?  I just pulled over to give you a hard time for having your baby out!"  Wait, what??  My blood started to boil and I was shaking, I was so angry!  Who did this guy think he was?  I just waved him on and kept walking.  Then I started to look at all the vehicles driving by.  Did they think I was a horrible mother for having my baby outside?  I was getting insecure, but fortunately I remembered this video that I had seen this morning.  Cheesy as it sounds, I really loved the "trust your instincts" part and it stuck with me.  I know that my decision to do the Colby loop was in the best interest for Scarlett and me.

Normally my blog is so happy, but I had to share this story!  I had this post written in my head by the time Scarlett and I arrived home.  I guess that's probably why my posts are usually about happy, baby things--I just write angry things in my head and it makes me feels tons better--so I don't need to write negative things down!

Anyway, I'll end this post on a positive note!  Here is my little Scarlita in the tub with her favorite older cousin, Alyssa:

Love her tongue!  Silly Scarlett!

And here is my sister, Molly, and me:

(we were hanging out with Scarjo, but she didn't make it into any of the good shots!  It's too bad because her pjs were super-cute!)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Scarlett has TEETH!

Two of them!  Right on the bottom.  They're hard to photograph because just the the tips of her two front teeth have come up, but I've felt them!  She has been a little grumpy these past few days, but nothing like I've been dreading.  Although I haven't really been as productive around the house as I'd like to be because Scarlett just won't let me put her down.  Oh well, I'll take her snuggles over cleaning the kitchen any day! 

What I really can't stand right now are her squeals.  Now these aren't squeals of delight, these are "OMG!  I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE!" squeals.  She sounds like a pig being slaughtered.  Gross.  I just can't come up with a better way to describe it.  She's just so P.O.ed that I have the audacity to get her dressed in the morning or that I won't let her hold the candle that I just lit.  Crazy annoying--I can't wait for her to be able to verbalize what she wants so the squealing comes to a stop!  Hopefully! 

Ok, right this second, Scarlett is having an afternoon nap.  By herself.  Upstairs.  Woohoo!!!!  Now, don't get too excited, she's not in her crib, BUT she is not nursing as she sleeps either!  Thank goodness!  Now I just need to get that little lady sleeping in her crib at night AND sleep through the night.  We'll get there...first step we're starting tonight by putting a crib mattress next to our bed.  We'll test that out to see if it helps.  I think she's waking up at night when Tyler rolls around.  I'm hoping that giving Scarlett her own space will allow her to sleeps longer...wish us luck!

On top of the fact that Scarlett is napping alone, Grammum took Alyssa for the afternoon!  Yay for a free Sunday.  Now, I love my Little Miss, but phew!  She is busy little lady and it is just nice to sit and relax on a Sunday afternoon.  Plus, we had our share of Alyssa love yesterday!

More Scarlett news--she went to the apple farm for the first  time last weekend.  Daddy, cousin Alyssa, Scarlett and I all went.  We had a BLAST!  It was especially fun with Alyssa because she could actually pick the apples.  We rode on a horse drawn wagon and shopped in the barn-like gift shop!  Fun, fun!  Next weekend, Grammum, David, Camdyn, Tyler, Scarlett, Alyssa, and I are going to a different apple farm--I'm sure I'll have stories!

 Alyssa getting her face painted!

 I thought this was so cute!  Alyssa always tries to hold Scarlett's hand; Scarlett is never as excited!

Now I'm going to enjoy my chicken quesadilla fajita from Cancun!  Yum:)