Wednesday, June 5, 2013

So What Wednesday

So What Wednesday

  • I think I re-love the Kardashians.  (Scott is still my favorite!)
  • Following Sean Lowe on instagram seems like a good idea.
  • Now that Tyler works away for 3 weeks, when he walks through that door, I expect some time off ASAP!
  • I bought mom shorts.
  • When the toddler toys have too many parts that could make a mess, I keep them on the top shelf.  Out. of. reach.
  • Peach looks so fantastic on Kate Middleton -- I want to try it!  With the pasty skin and blonde hair?  I'm pretty sure that won't work.
  • I am having MAJOR van envy of soccer moms everywhere!  Whaaat?!
  • Ah!  Ernesto!  I have been telling anyone who will listen about Ernesto & Shandie!  
  • Baby 3 is totally named.  And it might include Macklemore, IF Tyler gets his way.  (He won't.)
  • Scarlett tries to put babies in my belly.  
  • I have wrinkles.  I am OLD.  When did that happen?!
  • We take selfies in the mirror.  A lot.  Especially after we straighten our hair!

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful!!!
    Just found your blog!!
    Now following!
    Looking forward to keeping up!

