Friday, December 31, 2010

Gossip-y Fun.

I love that I'm not the only one who indulges in celebrity gossip; this is just a fun post to read and we basically share the same opinion on everything!

And here is a new Scarlett picture:  (b/c how could I post something without a picture of Scarjo?!)

Oh!  P.S--Happy New Year!! 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Christmas Hangover. (full of random thoughts)

I never knew how deflated I'd feel after Christmas--blech!  It's like I just found out that Santa isn't real; just a yucky feeling!  I feel like I put so much effort and had such high expectations in this 1st Christmas with Scarlett that I feel a bit let down.  Not by Scarlett or Alyssa, but just by my lack of realization that traveling on Christmas is not such a good idea.  Next year, family can come to us! 

And really, it wasn't a bad Christmas!  I just still have not been able to get my house back in order; toys and decorations and crumbs and leftover desserts are everywhere!!!  On a positive note, I had my hair highlighted and that totally made me feel less overwhelmed!!  Also, the husband is home this week!  Yay for time together/free babysitting while I go to the gym, but he is like having another child around lies...and he has no idea!  I blame his mother;)  But he does everything for me and fixes the faucet, so I really can't complain about his trail of messy-ness! 

Tonight we're just in the livingroom hanging out, so we whipped out an older cd...I had forgotten how much I love old Mary mixes!  Britney, Lily Allen, Love Lockdown, and Poker Face!!! 

Scarlett was not a fruit lover when we started her on solid foods, but oh how things have changed:
She loves her berries!

We got a HUGE snowstorm here in the northeast.  I was all excited to bring the babies out to enjoy the fresh, white, fluffy snow...until we got outside and the wind blasted cold, wetness in the face!  Awesome.  We still managed to snap some photos:

A little miserable, but determined to get a photo! 
I took Tracey's advice!  Here's Scarlett in her bilibo!

Eeek...snow in the face!

Alyssa & me

Alyssa, eyeing my hat!

Yup, she decided it was worth stealing!

Me with Tyler

Thursday, December 23, 2010

So much to do...!

Christmas is fast approaching and there is still looots to do!  Lots of baking & wrapping, so I'm pretty's the laundry and sweeping that makes me procrastinate and facebook! ;) 

I even still have a little gift shopping to do, but they're for guys who I don't know really well.  Not. fun.  And Scarlett would much rather eat banana whoopie pies and harass Mr. Rex, our kitty, than go out and about to more stores!


As much as she's not a fan, she still makes shopping look cute!

Merry Christmas to you all...all four FIVE of you!  Woohoo!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Busy, busy, busy...

We've been crazy-busy here for the past few weeks with baking & shopping & visiting Santa!  It's all FUN, but lots of work!  OMG...Christmas is so much more fun with babies!!!  I'm just so excited to see their expressions when they see their filled stockings and Santa gifts.  Fun, fun! 

So, Scarlett is ELEVEN months old today!  Eeek!  Where has the time gone?  I so sound like an old lady, but it really seems like she was just born and the fact that she'll be a year makes her seem so old, even though she's still my baby.  In the past month, Scarlett has started to do lots of new, funny things.  She can stand (!), still not crawling, but instead, she scoots around everywhere.  She hands you things, waits for you to say, "thank you," and then expects them back.  She claps and has even just started waving hello and goodbye in the last few days!  She was standing up against a table, holding something in her left hand.  After trying to reach for it, but not being able to get a toy, she attempted to take a step closer, but then decided to go with the easier way and drop whatever was in her left hand and pick up the new toy.  Still, I feel like that's progress!!!  Hopefully, she'll be walking soon-ish!

We also went to go see Santa.  We couldn't schedule it for a time that Tyler and Alyssa could both go, so this time it was just the 3 of us Smiths!  Tomorrow, Molly and Alyssa will be going with Scarlett and I and I'm hoping that it'll be more fun.  Alyssa gets the Santa thing, so she'll be more excited than Scarlett...

Terrified.  Poor baby!


Get. me. out of here!

Now she's trying to get a good look at him.
I can't wait to see what happens when Scarlett sees how much Alyssa loves Santa...hoping for some better pictures tomorrow!

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Snowing!

Like, lotslots snow and we are loving this weather!!!  Scarlett and I are meeting Molly and Alyssa at the pool for open swim, but first we must get outside and take pictures of Scarlett playing in the snow!!!!  It's really time to find a snowsuit...!  I just bundle her up with mix-matched warmness, but she despises being so bulky and absolutely refuses to wear mittens.  It creates quite a scene as we wrestle to get her dressed.  This is what she looks like with a sweatshirt-material all-over outfit, socks & furry boots, fleece all-over suit all stuffed into an LLBean baby bag!  Yeah, she hated me, until we got outside...then she only hated me a little bit! 

And this is less angry!

Also, after watching the Today Show, I've decided that I NEED an all-sequined dress like this:

Soooo pretty!

  It's so pretty and would look great with my fake eyelashes!!!!  I need ideas as to to where I would wear it, though...maybe even just a fancy dinner out?!  We'll see...Christmas is coming!  (hint, hint, Tyler!)

Scarlett has SIX teeth!!!  Four on top, two on the bottom!  Crazy!